Tres Crucitas

Tres Crucitas


9″ x 11″


Oil on Canvas


Cultures have always had a concern about a hex, evil spirit, bad luck, expressing envy towards someone. Some people may consider this event solely with the Mexican culture but in fact the Greeks, the people in Turkey and many cultures throughout the world have addressed the ‘evil-eye’ phenomena.

In the Mexican culture, el ojo, generally reflects a strong admiration towards someone or something. Because you admire a newborn’s smile, hair, or other feature you protect that child by touching the child and usually stating that you do NOT want to bring ‘bad luck’ thus you repel the negative energies by touching the infant or the infant’s hair.

So if a child becomes surprisingly fussy and/or continues to be unsettled then one may implement a ‘removal’ of the ‘hex’. The egg in water, crosses, candle, and prayers are rituals used by a curandero to restore proper health.